I am a Consultant Clinical Oncologist specialising in Head and Neck cancer & Skull Base Tumours since 2009 in Southampton & Reading. My fellowship training in high precision radiotherapy (IMRT & Stereotactic Radiotherapy) was at Royal Marsden Hospital and Fellowships in Intra-operative Radiotherapy at M D Anderson & MGH, Boston, USA.
I have completed 4 International Training Fellowships in Proton Beam therapy (PBT) & one Fellowship in Carbon Ion Therapy at Prestigious Proton Therapy Centres in USA (UFPTI, Scripps Proton Centre, University of Pennsylvania, and Europe (PSI, Switzerland & CANO, Italy). I have over 8-year’s experience in Proton Beam therapy in Head & neck cancer, skull base tumours and GI cancers and as co-chair for GI cancer educational committee for PTCOG co-authored the International consensus guidelines for PBT in rectal cancers.
My interests in Proton beam therapy for Head & Neck cancer includes Nasopharyngeal cancers, sino-nasal cancers, oropharyngeal cancer, salivary gland tumours, sarcomas in head & neck and re-irradiation for complex recurrent cancers. I have experience with Proton Beam Therapy for skull base tumours including chordomas, meningiomas, pineal tumours and recurrent skull base tumours.
I am a Principal investigator and in the Trial Management Group for several radiotherapy clinical trials and PBT clinical trials (TORPEdO & PROTIS) in UK and Consultant advisor to University of Hong Kong for photo biomodulation clinical trials.
I have a keen interest in medical education and was Training Programme Director in Wessex, RCR College tutor, National e-Proton Therapy Steering Group member and held several roles in Royal College of Radiologists including Speciality Training Board, Faculty Board & FRCR Examination Board and as Final FRCR examiner.
My other roles included- Senate Member for NHS England, Radiotherapy Clinical Reference Group(CRG) Member, Thames Valley & Wessex Radiotherapy ODN Clinical Lead, Chair of Wessex Strategic Clinical Network for Head & neck cancer, clinical expert for National Institute for Health & Care Excellence(NICE), Specialist Advisor for Care Quality Commission(CQC) & external clinical Advisor for Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman.